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Emily Blacklock

PhD Candidate

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My current research focuses on the migration of the American lobster within the Bay of Fundy. To better understand the seasonal migrations of the American lobster, the migrations will be examined using satellite tags that will collect information of depth and temperature experienced by the lobster at regular intervals. These collected data will then be combined with known depth and temperature data from the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine to reconstruct the most-likely movement tracks.

Research Interests

My research interests focus on ways to improve the crustacean fisheries for all stakeholders involved.


My background in crustaceans started during my undergraduate degree where I was able to work with Dr. John Garland on a variety of aspect of the lobster supply chain, including the development of two methods to detect paralytic shellfish toxins in lobster.


Following this research, I was able to continue my crustacean education with Dr. Fraser Clark with a variety of projects in crustacean immunology.


My current work is being completed under the supervision of Dr. Rémy Rochette on lobster ecology.



Blacklock EK, Clark FK. (December 2021). Examination of crustacean immune responses through dsRNA-nanoparticle injection and phylogenetic analysis. (Masters if Science – Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). 

Blacklock EK, Garland JJ, Pinder A. (May 2019). Detection of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Homarus americanus Using Alternative, Non-Invasive Spectral Methods. (Honours Bachelor of Science – Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada).  

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